What is value selling?
When your team is trying to close deals of a certain size with high-level clients, being a great salesperson may not be enough. Selling will only take your team so far. They’ll need to become consulta...
How to become an expert in sales in 10 minutes or less
Founder OS
We love to make things complicated. It likely has to do with this psychological principle called “Labor Perception Bias.” Deep down we subconsciously associate value with the length of time it takes t...
13 sales objections you can overcome easily through content
Mo's Letter
Selling is not simply promoting a product and hoping people buy it. Sales requires understanding the conversations your customers are having in their heads — and meeting them where they are. To stay i...
The Sandler pain funnel: Complete breakdown
“People love to buy, but hate to be sold to.” It sounds nice, but that doesn’t really solve our dilemma as salespeople because, obviously, it’s our job to sell to people. So, this leaves a pretty big ...
Why you probably have the wrong ratio of SDRs to marketers
I’ll cut right to it: SDRs should not be the default way to ramp up your GTM. They are part of a bigger GTM system, they aren’t THE system. So, you probably have too many SDRs and not enough marketers...